I am a great lover of tea. Blame it on my English antecedents if you must, but hot tea is simply good for what ails you! And, if you start looking at all the herbal teas out there.... apparently a lot ails us!
No, actually, there are teas that are specifically formulated to aid our bodies in fighting off or recuperating from various illnesses and discomforts. Actually, in some cases, "discomfort" may be too mild a word. I speak of that "curse of all women", or, as Rachel put it in Genesis 31:35 when she told her father she couldn't stand at his entering into her home because "the custom of women is upon me".... nice euphamism, eh?
Some of my favorite teas are custom blends done by Spice Traders and Teas (yes, I will post their web site at the end of this post). They have a lovely light, refreshing blend called Morning Rose. Other than the fact that one of it's main ingredients is rose hips, and rose hips are just chock full of vitamin C, this tea isn't necessarily a "cure" or aid for any ailments. I mention it because it truly is a wonderful morning tea. Especially if you have the joy of sitting on your porch, in a swing, listening to the birds sing. (~sigh~)
Then there's the tea my BFF "Mad Molly" enjoys, Pirate Chi! It has ginger (good for digestion), cinnamon, cloves and cardamom (get the blood flowing) and will wake you up! (don't even ASK about the coffee she drinks!)

However, I mentioned "discomfort" and "the curse - or custom - of all women" in conjunction with teas when I started and there was a reason. Spice Traders and Teas has a tea called "Women's Blend" for us at "that time of the month" and, sisters, let me tell you I just
love this tea!! When I feel achy, sore, tired, cramped, bloated.... any of it or all of it.... I make a nice, hot mug of this tea. Whether it's the heat, the actual blending of herbs used by Spice Traders or my own mental beliefs, this tea sooooooothes me. It's not long before I realize I'm not cramping or sore, I'm less bloated.... I can just breath again! I have
highly recommended this tea to others and now I
HIGHLY recommend it to you!
Now, don't get me wrong. This is not a miracle cure all. I do not guarantee it will work for everyone. There are some who are on medications for more than just the monthly "custom of women" and it's entirely possible that it won't have the same benefits for you as it has for me. But, at $7.00 for 2 ounces (that's actually a LOT of tea!!!) it's not a loss for you to try it! And, if you happen to be a lover of tea, such as I am, you may wish to try some of the others they have listed. Again, at (about) $7.00 for 2 ounces (again, a LOT of tea), it's actually a good price. Remember, this is all custom blended tea. You're not buying if off the shelf next to the Lipton.

There is also another brand of tea I've come to enjoy. It's called Traditional Medicinals and they, too, have quite the varitey. You can find them at most health food stores, surprisingly enough in the tea aisle at the Super Target stores and, yes, on line as well. There is one tea I have come to love called Organic Throat Coat. You see, right around the beginning of December, I usually get a brief cold accompanied by a sore throat and/or swollen tonsils. Between the coughing, the meds and the dry winter atmosphere, I usually end up with a very dry throat. Since I sing in our church choir, this creates a problem! Throat Coat to the rescue! It has a variety of good-for-your-throat herbs in it not the least of which are licorice root, slippery elm bark and marshmallow root. These are all wonderful herbs for aiding the healing and moisturizing of your throat. And it has a slightly sweet taste to it that makes it enjoyable. Again, a tea I do not hesitate to recommend to you.
You poor men are probably wondering "what about us!?" Well, why don't you head on over to Spice Traders and Teas and see what they have available as well? Since it IS run and owned by a man, I believe he'll have some "masculine" teas for you as well. If that doesn't work for you, Traditional Medicinals has a tea, Dandelion Root, that smells a lot like coffee (it's a roasted blend, which is probably why). Have your wife buy some and wrap your lips around it. Even my Dad enjoyed that one!
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